Another Word For Which

Which is used to refer to one or more items or individuals from a known set or group. Read on for synonym and other words for Which.

Which in a sentence
Which of these books do you recommend?

"Which" 29 synonyms and related terms with examples

Looking to use another word for Which in an essay or an email? Use these! ๐Ÿ‘‡


What is your favorite color?


The book that you lent me is fascinating.


Who is responsible for this project?


Choose whichever option is easier for you.


The process whereby these chemicals are made is complex.


He showed no interest whatsoever in the subject.


He showed no interest whatsoever in the subject.


Take whatever you need from the room.


The evidence whereof we speak is conclusive.


The tools wherewith the job was completed were borrowed.


The situation wherein we found ourselves was precarious.


He explained how the machinery works.


Let me know when you arrive.


Do you know where the nearest gas station is?


To whom should I address this letter?


We need to decide whether to go ahead with the project.


You can call me whensoever you like.


The process whereby these chemicals are made is complex.


He failed the exam, thereby losing his chance at the scholarship.


He didn't study properly; thus, he failed the test.


The reason wherefor the event was canceled is unknown.


She was late, therefore she missed the meeting.


The company is expanding, hence the need for more staff.


It rained heavily, consequently the match was postponed.


It was raining, so we stayed indoors.


Please bring back whichever item you want.


There is no evidence whatsoever to support your claim.


Anyone can participate in the event.


Feel free to ask anything about the topic.

Hint: Copy the word by clicking the icon () next to it.

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Examples of which on Reddit

"Which" is used in real world conversations right now:

TIL Judith Love Cohen, who helped create the Abort-Guidance System which rescued the Apollo 13 astronauts, went to work on the day she was in labor. She took a printout of a problem she was working on to the hospital. She called her boss and said she finished the problem and gave birth to Jack Black posted on todayilearned
TIL that in 1825 painter Samuel Morse received a letter which read that his wife was sick. The day after that a new one said that she was dead. When 2 days later he went to his wife, he discovered that she was already buried. Pissed off for the slowness of communications, he invented the Morse code. posted on todayilearned
TIL Garden Veggie Straws, which shows fresh vegetables on the bag, and are promoted as a healthy alternative to chips, are actually made of salt, starch, and tomato paste. They have less nutrition than actual potato chips and the manufacturer, which has a history of false claims, is now being sued. posted on todayilearned
TIL GM recalled 800k cars in 2014 for faulty ignitions. The cars would shut off while being driven which meant drivers lost power steering/brakes, and the airbags wouldn't deploy. They knew about the problem since 2005 but never fixed it because it would be 'too expensive'. 124 people died. posted on todayilearned
TIL - In 1836, a sewer worker accidentally discovered an old drain which ran directly into the Bank of England's gold vault. He wrote letters to the directors of the bank and requested a meeting inside the vault at an hour of their choosing - and popped out of the floor to greet them posted on todayilearned
TIL in Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage, they bought 3000 real guns for the filming because it was cheaper to buy real guns and resell later than buying props. They also rented 50 tanks which were only available for a short period because the source had to sell them to Libya later posted on todayilearned
Kiley has a rare genetic disorder called Williams Syndrome, resulting in development delays. Her sister said itโ€™s hard for Kiley to make friends - which is why it was all the more special that 2 friends she met at camp last year drove 3 hours to surprise her on her 15th birthday. posted on MadeMeSmile
Kiley has a rare genetic disorder called Williams Syndrome, resulting in development delays. Her sister said itโ€™s hard for Kiley to make friends - which is why it was all the more special that 2 friends she met at camp last year drove 3 hours to surprise her on her 15th birthday. posted on MadeMeSmile
A Christian high school student in Kentucky was expelled after school administrators saw a photograph from her 15th birthday party in which she was wearing a rainbow sweater and smiling next to a rainbow birthday cake, which were deemed 'lifestyle violations' by the school. posted on pics
Being 35 and not wanting to work in the field for which you've prepared is like being half way through an RPG and realizing you've built out your skill tree all wrong and you can't respec and you can't make a new character and there will never be another video game again posted on Showerthoughts

Weird random fact ๐Ÿ™ƒ

A word that reads the same upside down and right side up is called an ambigram. The word "SWIMS" is an example.

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