Proud of you is an expression used to indicate a person's admiration and pleasure in another person's achievements or qualities. Read on for synonym and other words for Proud of you.
Looking to use another word for Proud of you in an essay or an email? Use these! 👇
To regard with respect or warm approval.
To express warm approval or admiration of someone.
To praise formally or officially.
To show approval or praise by clapping or expressing admiration.
To feel or show esteem or admiration for someone.
To regard with great respect and admiration.
To appreciate the importance or worth of someone.
To hold something dear or be fond of.
To recognize the full worth of someone’s efforts or qualities.
To feel deep respect or admiration for something.
To praise highly, especially in a public context.
To praise enthusiastically.
To regard with respect and admiration.
To praise enthusiastically and publicly.
To praise highly in speech or writing, usually for someone who has died.
To give someone praise for an achievement.
To recognize someone's efforts, achievements, or qualities.
To appreciate the achievements of someone.
To show respect or admiration for someone.
To praise enthusiastically, usually for an achievement.
To acknowledge a significant accomplishment or event with joy and honor.
To talk with pride about one's achievements, usually excessively.
To speak with pride and self-satisfaction about achievements.
To regard someone with respect and warm approval.
To consider or reflect esteem or admiration toward someone.
Feeling great joy because of someone else’s success.
Showing gratitude or admiration.
Feeling or expressing gratitude or recognition for someone’s efforts.
Feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received.
Feeling respect and approval for someone or something.
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