In order to is a phrase used to indicate the purpose or intention behind an action. It is a conjunction phrase that often precedes a goal or objective. Read on for synonym and other words for In order to.
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A simple preposition indicating the purpose or result.
Used to introduce the reason for an action, synonym for 'to'.
Indicates the reason behind doing something.
Describes making an attempt to achieve a specific goal.
Suggests that an action is taken for the benefit or purpose of something.
Indicates a targeted purpose for taking an action.
Denotes doing something to achieve a specific positive outcome.
Shows a specific purpose behind an action.
Indicates a deliberate purpose behind an action.
Used in British English, indicating planning or consideration for future action.
Indicates a specific target or objective.
Refers to making an effort or try to achieve an objective.
Indicates a purposeful action toward achieving a particular goal.
Connects an action directly to its intended aim.
Focusing on the final desired outcome.
Indicates movement, direction, or orientation with the aim of achieving something.
Connects actions to their final intended result.
Indicates striving towards a specified goal.
Showing the expectation or desire behind an action.
Directing a particular intent or objective toward something specific.
Focuses on the final desired outcome of actions.
Indicates that the purpose of the action is for the advantage of someone.
Emphasizes benefiting the involved parties.
Suggests a desired result or outcome from an action.
Explains why a particular action was taken.
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