Impact means the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another or having a strong effect on someone or something. Read on for synonym and other words for Impact.
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Refers to a change produced by an action or cause, often more direct and observable.
Refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Suggests a marked effect that remains in the mind.
Implies a sudden and strong effect, often emotional or mental.
Refers to a forceful impact, often in a physical sense.
Specifically refers to a physical impact, typically between two objects.
Often negative consequences or unintended effects that result from an action.
A consequence, often complex and branching out from an action or decision.
Refers to a result or effect, often one that is undesirable.
Specifically refers to influence or power in a given domain.
Refers to the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.
Implies participation that results in an effect or change.
A physical power or strength behind an impact.
The final result or effect of an action or situation.
A lasting effect or memory created by an initial experience.
The primary force or impact of something often unpleasant.
A powerful and sudden impact, metaphorically or physically.
Forceful impact or collision, often in a direct manner.
A sudden and sharp impact, either physical or emotional.
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