'For example' is a phrase used to introduce an instance or illustration. It provides a specific case to clarify or confirm what has been said earlier. Read on for synonym and other words for For example.
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Introduction of one or more examples, often interchangeable with 'for example'.
Used to specify an example within a larger category.
Used to introduce examples that are similar to what has been previously mentioned.
Abbreviation of the Latin 'exempli gratia', meaning 'for example'.
Used to introduce examples from a larger group.
Used to provide a specific example to clarify a statement.
Used to specify particular items within a general statement.
Used for specifying clear examples within a general category.
Used to single out an example from a previously stated generality.
Used to introduce an example that supports the previous statement.
Introduces a specific example that fits a general context.
Used to provide an example for clarification.
The full form of 'e.g.' in Latin, used to introduce examples.
Introduces examples within a larger category.
Introduces a specific instance to illustrate a broader statement.
Introduces a specific example to support the point being made.
Often used informally to introduce an example.
Used to introduce a hypothetical example.
Introduces a specific instance to clarify a general statement.
Used to demonstrate a point with a visual or specific example.
Used to rephrase a statement with a specific example for clarity.
Provides a specific illustration to clarify a general statement.
Introduces a specific case to explain a broader point.
Casual phrase to introduce an example.
Introduces a specific scenario to illustrate a point.
Similar to 'for example', introduces a specific case.
Introduces a specific example among many.
Used to introduce an example for clarity.
Introduces an illustrative example to clarify a concept.
Used to introduce examples that highlight a point.
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Semordnilap is a word or phrase that forms a different word or phrase when spelled backward. Unlike palindromes, semordnilaps create entirely new meanings. For example, "stressed" spelled backward is "desserts."
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