"Even though" is a conjunction used to introduce a contrasting fact or a concession. It emphasizes that one statement does not affect the truth of another. Read on for synonym and other words for Even though.
Looking to use another word for Even though in an essay or an email? Use these! 👇
Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
Introduces a statement that is surprising because it contrasts with what has been previously mentioned.
Used to show that something happened or is true even though there was something that might have prevented it.
Introduces a conditional statement describing a hypothetical or unlikely event that does not change the outcome.
Used to introduce a fact or statement that makes the main statement in a sentence seem surprising or unlikely.
Used to introduce a fact or statement that reduces the force or significance of what was just said.
Despite the fact that there is a point that should be considered.
Used to contrast two different facts or situations.
Used to acknowledge a contrast between two situations.
Indicates a slight contrast or diminishment to the previous statement.
Used to introduce a fact that seems to contradict the previous statement.
In spite of what has just been said; nevertheless.
Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or contradicts the just mentioned.
Shows a situation remains unchanged despite contrasting information.
Without paying attention to the current situation or condition.
Used to admit something before making another point.
In spite of something that has just been mentioned.
Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
Not taking (something) into account; regardless of.
Used to suggest that the following condition does not affect the outcome.
Without being influenced by the other factors or conditions.
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"Even though" is used in real world conversations right now:
A pangram is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet at least once. A famous example is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
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