A best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust, and someone in whom you confide. This relationship is often denoted by a deep bond of mutual respect, loyalty, and affection. Read on for synonym and other words for Best friend.
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A person with whom one has a strong bond of mutual affection and trust.
A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.
A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
A casual term for a friend.
Another informal term for a friend.
A friend or companion, often used in a more colloquial or old-fashioned sense.
A person who supports another, especially in a challenging situation.
A very close and intimate friend.
Someone with whom one spends a lot of time or travels.
A term often used in British English to refer to a friend.
A companion or colleague, especially someone who shares common activities or interests.
An associate or fellow member of a group, especially one involved in shared activities.
A person's assistant or close associate, especially one who has less authority than that person.
A person with whom one works, especially in something secret or illegal; also can denote a close association.
Someone to whom one entrusts something of importance or value, especially secreting information or emotional support.
A very close personal friend.
A person with whom one has a deep connection and similar fundamental views or feelings.
A long-standing friend; often used to describe someone in a close-knit group.
A person's secondary or alternative personality; can also imply a very close friend who reflects one's own characteristics and values.
A partner or colleague in a professional or business setting.
A comrade or peer in a similar situation or group.
Spanish term for a close friend or buddy.
A term of endearment among friends, particularly used between males.
A partner in wrongdoing or a companion in crime, often used metaphorically to describe a close, adventurous friend.
Informal term for a close friend, often used in urban slang.
Someone who supports or endorses, especially in times of need.
A blend of brother and Joseph, used as a casual term of camaraderie between male friends.
A friend with whom one engages in play or recreational activities, particularly during childhood.
A colloquial term for a friend, often used in British English with a nautical undertone.
A friend who supports you, especially in social or romantic situations.
A person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else.
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