Another Word For Also

Also means 'in addition' or 'too'. It is used to add more information to what has already been mentioned. Read on for synonym and other words for Also.

Also in a sentence
She likes hiking and also enjoys bird watching.

"Also" 10 synonyms and related terms with examples

Looking to use another word for Also in an essay or an email? Use these! 👇


Additionally, the report highlights key concerns about cybersecurity.


The policy is outdated; moreover, it contradicts current regulations.


Besides being a talented musician, he is also a skilled painter.


Further, we need to consider the economic implications.


If you're going to the store, please get milk too.

as well

She invited John to the party as well.

in addition

In addition to his job, he volunteers at the local shelter.


She did well on the test; likewise, her brother scored high marks.


The proposal needs more work; furthermore, the budget is insufficient.


Children need love and education.

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Examples of also on Reddit

"Also" is used in real world conversations right now:

In 1921 a mob of white supremacists with the help of the United States National Guard attacked a prosperous black community in Tusla, OK, and murdered at least 200 and injured more than 1,000 black people. They even used airplanes in the attack. This day is also known as Black Wall Street Massacre posted on Damnthatsinteresting
TIL Why paper cuts are so painful is b/c at a microscopic level, paper is actually quite rough. A knife makes a straight cut, but paper acts like a saw blade and does more damage to cells and nerve endings. Paper also leaves behind tiny fibres and chemical residues, irritating the wound even more. posted on todayilearned
How to convince an airline captain to let you wear his hat and allow you to sit in his seat: 1) Be his son. 2) Surprise him by flying across the country to board the last flight of his career. (It's also helpful if you have a brother to be the copilot and co-conspirator in planning the surprise.) posted on MadeMeSmile
My grandma was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last month. Her idol, Alex Trebek, was also recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I wrote to Mr. Trebek asking for some words of encouragement and well wishes. To my complete surprise -- he responded! Thank you for taking the time, Mr. Trebek! posted on pics
TIL that Mario Puzo, the author of the Godfather books who’d also adapted them to film, had no idea what he was doing as he’d never written a screenplay before. After winning two Oscars, he decided to buy a book on screenwriting to learn how. In the first chapter, it said “Study Godfather I”. posted on todayilearned
I work at bar in the evenings, and I’m also fluent in sign language. Tonight a deaf man sat alone in my section, so I chatted with him in sign. The table next to him noticed and asked me how long I’ve been signing, etc. then I found this on their table. I will be paying this forward ❤️ posted on pics
TIL in Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage, they bought 3000 real guns for the filming because it was cheaper to buy real guns and resell later than buying props. They also rented 50 tanks which were only available for a short period because the source had to sell them to Libya later posted on todayilearned
Mario Puzo, the author of the Godfather books who’d also adapted them to film, had no idea what he was doing as he’d never written a screenplay before. After winning two Oscars, he decided to buy a book on screenwriting to learn how. In the first chapter, it said “Study Godfather I” posted on Damnthatsinteresting
TIL: This year, the official Yu Gi Oh tournament hosted by Konami instituted a hygiene clause to rulebook. This allows judges to penalize players with dirty clothing or terrible odor by giving them a loss. Super Smash Bros tournament have also started implementing similar rules. posted on todayilearned
My 86yo grandmother and her handmade needle point chair. 25 years in the making and 14 threads per inch. She used to pick up road kill from the side of the road to compare thread colours. She also bought a peacock for colour comparison. I am not allowed to sit in it. posted on pics

Weird random fact 🙃

A word that reads the same upside down and right side up is called an ambigram. The word "SWIMS" is an example.

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