Another Word For Better

Better means 'more desirable, satisfactory, or effective.' It can also mean 'greater in excellence or higher in quality.' Read on for synonym and other words for Better.

Better in a sentence
She felt better after getting some rest.

"Better" 25 synonyms and related terms with examples

Looking to use another word for Better in an essay or an email? Use these! 👇


Indicates a higher rank or quality, often in a specific context.

His performance was superior to everyone else in the class.


Refers to something that has been enhanced or made better over time.

After the renovations, the house looked much improved.


Means something that has been intensified or made more effective.

The new software has enhanced features compared to the old version.


Indicates a higher level of quality or detail.

With finer adjustments, the machine works smoothly.


Means larger in amount, extent, or importance.

This new design offers greater durability.

more advanced

Indicates a higher level of development or complexity.

The more advanced technology allowed for faster processing.


Usually refers to something increased or made larger, often by adding something extra.

The augmented reality feature added to the phone's appeal.


Implies raising something to a higher standard.

The system was upgraded to improve efficiency.


Means made more pure, precise, or elegant.

The refined techniques led to better results.


Refers to making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource.

The website was optimized for better user experience.


Indicates a higher rank or quality, often in a specific context.

His performance was superior to everyone else in the class.


Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good.

She gave an excellent presentation to the board.


More desirable or suitable in a given context.

This method is preferred for its accuracy.


Signifies higher quality and often higher cost.

They offer premium services for VIP members.


Doing better than something else.

The new model is outperforming its predecessor.


Of the highest quality.

The restaurant serves top-notch cuisine.


Indicates the best in quality or value.

The prime location of the store attracts more customers.


Ahead in terms of progress or development.

He is taking an advanced course in mathematics.


Implies raising something to a higher standard.

The system was upgraded to improve efficiency.


Means made more pure, precise, or elegant.

The refined techniques led to better results.


Refers to making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource.

The website was optimized for better user experience.


Holding the highest rank or importance.

It's one of the premier institutions in the country.


Belonging to the upper level in terms of rank, quality, or performance.

Top-tier universities attract students from around the world.


Of the best or highest standard of quality.

They provide first-class customer service.


Too great or extreme to be expressed in words; an abstract concept of high quality.

The beauty of the sunset was ineffable.

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Examples of better on Reddit

"Better" is used in real world conversations right now:

TIL in the 1880s, the Harvard Observatory director was frustrated with his staff, and would say "My Scottish maid could do better!" So, he hired his Scottish maid. Williamina Fleming ran a team for decades, classified tens of thousands of stars, & discovered white dwarfs and the Horsehead Nebula. posted on todayilearned
After the death of her husband & with no breadwinner in the house, Mary Ann Bevan decided to enter a contest and won the offensive title of "ugliest woman in the world" & was hired by a circus. She endured the ridicule of of others in order to raise her children & give them a better life. posted on Damnthatsinteresting
The first time I visited my girlfiend (now wife) in college I bought a peach tree from a local nursery and told her, "someday we will eat peaches from it years from now, because we will still be together." Well it worked better than I planned. Here is our son eating a peach from that very tree. posted on aww
Finland's prime minister said Nordic countries do a better job of embodying the American Dream than the US: "I feel that the American Dream can be achieved best in the Nordic countries, where every child no matter their background or the background of their families can become anything." posted on worldnews
Gathered five boat loads of styrofoam from a lake outside of my tiny Alaskan village I grew up in. Never felt better about cleaning up all this trash. Lol I did this one month ago when everything finally thawed out (life above the Arctic circle) posted on pics
LPT: Don't be fooled by the "working for a dream company" ideology. You'll be much better off with an amazing boss at an average company who champions your work, allows you to develop mastery in your field, and gives you autonomy. posted on LifeProTips
Every insecure bone in my body is telling me not to post this but 8 stone down and still going. Taking action towards better mental health isnt ever easy but has really helped me turn things around. posted on MadeMeSmile
Swap your boring lawn grass with red creeping thyme, grows 3 inch tall max, requires no mowing, lovely lemony scent, can repel mosquitoes, grows all year long, better for local biodiversity. posted on interestingasfuck
Zelenskyy, current president of Ukrain, won the Ukrainian version of Dancing with the Stars in 2006 and the tape is even better than whatever you're imagining posted on nextfuckinglevel

Weird random fact 🙃

Semordnilap is a word or phrase that forms a different word or phrase when spelled backward. Unlike palindromes, semordnilaps create entirely new meanings. For example, "stressed" spelled backward is "desserts."

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